If you’re a makeup hoarder like me, you probably have around 2-5 mascaras or more that you don’t regularly use. They sit there and eventually begin to dry out and become clumpy or cakey. You can save your mascara and make it like new again! Now there are three different techniques here. The 1st technique I give credit to my best friend, Kacey B.



Glass of warm water

Your dried mascara wand

INSTRUCTIONS: Simply dip the mascara wand into the water and then insert into your tube. Swish it around a few times and add more if needed.

This next technique was posted to YouTube by BridgetsBudgetBeauty



Castor Oil or Olive Oil

Your mascara

An eyedropper or measuring spoon or angled sided measuring cup

INSTRUCTIONS: Now, I’ve found you can do this one of three ways.  The first way is to simply put the oil in a measuring cup (you only need a little), roll the wand in the oil, insert into your tube, and finally, swish around. The second way is to use an eyedropper and put 2-3 drops into the tube, then swish with the wand. The third way is what she does by using a measuring cup with angled sides and pouring a few drops into the tube and then swishing with the wand.

The third technique is to simply use natural tear contact lens solution or eye drops and putting a few drops in the tube, then swishing with the wand. I’ve seen this technique all over the internet as the one most used. I just wanted to show you that there are many ways to save your mascara. You don’t need to throw it away just because it’s dry. So hang on to your favorite mascara just a little longer, don’t give up yet! As always be yourself because that, in itself, is beautiful. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @flumpymonkey. I post new blogs everyday so keep coming back to check them out! If you like this post, share it, leave a comment below, and click the follow button which is also below.